HTML Attribute
Sr.No Attribute Name Elements Description
1. accept <form>(deprecated for form), <input>(only for type="file") List of types the server accepts, typically a file type
2. accept-charset <form> List of supported charset
3. accesskey Global Attribute Keyword shortcut to activate or add focus to the Elements
4. action form The URI(link) of the program that processes the the information submitted via the form
5. align(deprecated) <applet>, <caption>, <col>, <colgroup>, <hr>, <iframe>, <img>, <table>, <tbody>, <td>, <tfoot>, <th>, <thead>, <tr> specifies the horizontal alignment of the element
6. allow <iframe> Specify a feature policy for the iframe
7. alt applet, area, img, input, Alternative text in case image cannot be displayed
8. async <script> Executes the script asynchronously
9. autocapitalize Global Attribute Sets whether input is automatically capitalized when enterd by user
11. autocomplete <form>, <input>,<select>, <textarea> Indicates whether control in this form can by default have their values automatically completed by the browser
12. autofocus <button>, <keygen>(deprecated), <input>,<select>, <textarea> The element should be automatically focusd after the page loaded
13. autoplay <audio>, <video> The audio and video should play as soon as possible
14. background <body>, <table>, <th>, <td> Specify the URL of an image file(use css "background-image" property to specify the URL for image)
15. bgcolor <marquee><body>, <col>, <colgroup>, <table>, <tbody>, <td>, <tfoot>, <th>, <thead>, <tr> Background color of the image(use css "background-color" property to specify the color for background)
16. border <img>, object, table The border width.(use css border-width property instead)
17. buffered <audio>, <video> contains the time range of already buffered media
18. capture input from html media capture
19. challenge <keygen>(deprecated) The Challenge string that is submitted along with the public key
20. charset <meta>, <script> Declares the character encoding of the page or script
21. checked <input>, <command>(deprecated) Indicates whether the element should be checked on page load
22. cite <blockquote>, <del>, <ins>, <q> Contains an URI which points to the source of the quote or change
23. class Global attribute Often used with css to style element with common properties
24. code(deprecated) <applet>(deprecated) Specifies the URL of the applet's class file to be loaded and executed.
25. codebase(deprecated) <applet>(deprecated) This attribute gives the absolute or relative URL of the directory where applets' .class files referenced by the code attribute are stored.
26. color(deprecated) <basefont>(deprecated), <font>(deprecated), <hr> This attribute sets the text color using either color names or using color values

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